A. V. Stoyanovsky. No-counterterm approach to quantum field theory
Natural Sciences / Physics / Quantum field theory
Submitted on: May 21, 2012, 07:45:52
Description: We give a conjectural way for computing the $S$-matrix and the correlation functions in quantum field theory beyond perturbation theory. The basic idea seems universal and naively simple: to compute the physical quantities one should consider the functional differential Schrodinger equation (without normal orderings), regularize it, consider the regularized evolution operator in the Fock space from $t=T_1$ to $t=T_2$, where the interval $(T_1,T_2)$ contains the support of the interaction cutoff function, remove regularization (without adding counterterms), and tend the interaction cutoff function to a constant. We call this approach to QFT the No-Counterterm approach. We show how to compute the No-Counterterm perturbation series for the $phi^4$ model in $R^{d+1}$. We give rough estimates which show that some summands of this perturbation series are finite without renormalization (in particular, one-loop integrals for $d=3$ and all integrals for $dge 6$).