Hans-Rudolf Thomann. Orthogonal Evolution and Anticipation
Natural Sciences / Physics / Quantum field theory
Submitted on: Jun 14, 2012, 04:07:41
Description: Quantum states evolving at equidistant steps into a set of mutually orthogonal states of finite or infinite cardinality p exhibit an interesting physical effect. The analysis of the amplitudes of the state at half the step time with the elements of this set (the anticipation amplitudes) shows, that for randomly chosen states measurements of the state at half-step time reveal information about the states at full step time, anticipating future states and reflecting past states with significant probability. For fixed N and p to infinity, the probability to measure a state which is N steps apart in future or past exceeds a constant lower bound. We characterize the spectrum, establish an analog to Plack's relation, define a random sampling scheme, analyze the resulting distribution of the anticipation probabilities and point out applications.