I. K. Rozgacheva, A. A. Agapov. The anisotropy properties of a background radiation in the fractal cosmological model
Natural Sciences / Astronomy / Cosmology
Submitted on: Jul 22, 2012, 10:35:07
Description: We consider the anisotropy properties of a background radiation in the fractal cosmological model. The space of this model includes self-similar domains. The metric tensors of any two domains are connected by the discrete scaling transformation. Photons of the background radiation cross the domain and their energy change. Any observer receives these photons from different domains and detects spots with different brightness. The power spectrum of the brightness anisotropy of the background radiation in the fractal cosmological model is calculated. It is shown this spectrum is closed to the observed angular power spectrum of the SDSS-quasar distribution on the celestial sphere. Only qualitatively it conforms to the angular power spectrum of CMB (WMAP-7).