Roya Golchay, Frederic Le Mouel, Stephane Frenot, Julien Ponge. Towards Bridging Iot and Cloud Services: Proposing Smartphones as Mobile and Autonomic Service Gateways

Natural Sciences / Computer Science / Analysis of algorithms

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2012, 10:45:13

Description: Computing is currently getting at the same time incredibly in the small with sensors/actuators embedded in our every- day objects and also greatly in the large with data and ser- vice clouds accessible anytime, anywhere. This Internet of Things is physically closed to the user but suffers from weak run-time execution environments. Cloud Environments provide powerful data storage and computing power but can not be easily accessed and integrate the final-user context- awareness. We consider smartphones are set to become the universal interface between these two worlds. In this position paper, we propose a middleware approach where smartphones provide service gateways to bridge the gap between IoT services and Cloud services. Since smartphones are mobile gateways, they should be able to (re)configure themself according to their place, things discovered around, and their own resources such battery.

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