Fu Yuhua, Florentin Smarandache, Victor Christianto. Cultural Advantages in China: Tale of Six Cities
Social Sciences / Economics / Financial
Submitted on: Aug 31, 2012, 06:30:53
Description: Nowadays, plenty of factories from Europe and other developed countries have been relocated to this country, considering its tremendous economic scale and rapid growth rate during the past three decades. But most of what happens inside the China nowadays is deeply hidden from the outside world ("the foreigners" as China people would call). This fact is partly because most reports on China were written by the so-called fly-high experts who are busy completing their reports despite a busy schedule. Very few books or reports were written by people inside, or at least "foreigners" who spent a few years in China. Therefore in this book, we took a different approach, by inviting local scientists and other writers to describe what happens surround them.