Hisao Nakkagawa, Hiroshi Yokota, Koji Yoshida. Vanishing Thermal Mass in the Strongly Coupled Qcd/qed medium

Natural Sciences / Physics / Particle physics

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2012, 16:39:20

Description: In this paper we perform a nonperturbative analysis of a thermal quasifermion in thermal QCD/QED by studying its self-energy function through the Dyson-Schwinger equation with the hard-thermal-loop resummed improved ladder kernel. Our analysis reveals several interesting results, some of which may force us to change the image of the thermal quasifermion: (1) The thermal mass of a quasifermion begins to decrease as the coupling gets stronger and finally disappears in the strong coupling region,(2) the imaginary part of the chiral invariant mass function (i.e., the decay width of the quasifermion) persists to have $O(g^2 T log (1/g))$ behavior. Present results suggest that in the recently produced strongly coupled quark-gluon-plasma, the thermal mass of a quasifermion should vanish. We also briefly comment on evidence of the existence of a massless, or an ultrasoft mode.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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