Xiong Wang. What is Mass? Chapter One: Mass in Newtonian Mechanics and Lagrangian Mechanics
Natural Sciences / Physics / Mathematical Physics
Submitted on: Sep 11, 2012, 16:10:15
Description: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild" We will try to see the development and the whole picture of theoretical physic through the evolution of the very fundamental concept of mass. 1The inertial mass in Newtonian mechanics 2 The Newtonian gravitational mass 3 Mass in Lagrangian formulism 4 Mass in the special theory of relativity 5 $E = MC^2$ 6 Mass in quantum mechanics 7 Principle of equivalence and general relativity 8 The energy momentum tensor in general relativity 9 Mass in the standard model of particle physics 10 The higgs mechanism