Lena Maximova. Professional training of teachers-bachelors in the conditions of modernization of research activity of higher education

Social Sciences / Education / Theory

Submitted on: Sep 18, 2012, 01:01:03

Description: The article touched upon the training of teachers-bachelors in the conditions of modernization of the research activities of the university. The author presents the main fundamentals of the Concept of modernization of bachelors' research training in transition to tier higher professional education, considering a regional perspective of the North-East of Russia. The author formulated the theoretical and methodological approaches, objectives, goals, directions, resource provision and modernization of the basic mechanisms of modernization of the system of research training of higher education on the direction of preparation 050100 Teacher Education (qualification (degree) "Bachelor") through the development of research and innovative activity of the university. It is assumed that the implementation of the Concept of modernization of bachelors' research training will improve the quality of professional training of highly qualified specialists in the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, as the leading innovative research, educational and cultural center of the North-East of Russia.

The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.1, Num.4, August 2012, ISSN 1929-4700.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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Maximova, Training of teachers.doc

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