Alena Soloshenko. A Cognitive Study on Conceptual Metaphors of Emotion

Social Sciences / Communication / Linguistics

Submitted on: Sep 25, 2012, 17:56:02

Description: The present paper explores the cognitive and emotional organization of a conceptual metaphor and its components, in particular, the concept of Fear. Nowadays metaphor is presented as one of the significant mental operations, the tool of perception, and understanding of a reality we live in. Conceptual metaphor research is considered as one of the favorable and effective in various areas of cognitive science. The article deals with the implication of a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) and research software into a conceptual metaphor investigation, focusing on the legal thematic texts with emotional content. The data collected via a qualitative research helps to semantically enrich the domains of a conceptual metaphor, to expand the basic understanding of this mental notion, to enlarge and specify a set of modern conceptual metaphors.

The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.1, Num.5, September 2012, ISSN 1929-4700.

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