Yuri N. Klimov. Length of words and frequency in the text "heroij nachego vremeni" М.yu. Lermontovs: "bela", "maxim Maksimovich", "dnevnik Pechorina", "taman"
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Oct 24, 2012, 03:17:16
Description: It is shown, that dependence of quantity of words on their frequency is described by a S-shaped curve, at length of words from 19 up to 8 curves of polynoms of the third degree for dependence of logarithms of frequency and quantity of words on logarithms of length of words coincide, and since length of a word 8-1, the curve of frequency is above a curve of quantity of words. The logarithm of cumulative quantity of words and the logarithm of cumulative frequency are described by linear both logarithmic dependences and polynoms the second and third degrees. Dependence of the logarithm of cumulative frequency of words on the logarithm of cumulative quantity of words are described by a polynom of the second and third degrees. Dependence of the logarithm of length of words on the logarithm of frequency of words in the text is most full described a polynom of the third degree.
Keywords: modeling, a S-shaped curve, quantities of words, frequency of words, cumulative quantity of words, cumulative frequency of words, length of words, the logarithm of frequency, the logarithm of quantity of words, the logarithm of length of words, linear dependence, logarithmic dependence, a polynom of the second degree, a polynom of the third degree.