Yuri N. Klimov. Length of words and frequency of words in the text М.yu. Lermontovs: "mzyri"

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Nov 05, 2012, 02:54:18

Description: The total of words in product is made 1854, and with their frequency - 3433, calculated on a technique [1]. The increase of quantity of words in dynamics goes since length of a word 15 and up to 5 letters, and then falls till length of one letter. Frequency of words grows since length of a word of 15 letters up to 5 letters, then falls till length of four letters, grows till length of three letters and falls till length of two letters and grows till length of one letter. Dependence of quantity of words on frequency is submitted by a parabola with relative speed of quantity of words 1,8460. Dependence of frequency of words and their quantities from length of words is submitted by a parabola with relative speed of frequency of words 2,507 and with relative speed of quantity of words 1,8460. Therefore all experimental data are given to cumulate and submitted as logarithms. Dependence of cumulative quantity of words on their cumulative frequency is described by a S-shaped curve with relative speed of cumulative number of words 2,9807 which differs from dependence of quantity of words on frequency in 1,62 times and described by sedate model, polynoms of the third and second degrees. Dependences of logarithms cumulative quantities of words from the logarithm of cumulative frequency have relative speed of cumulative quantity of words 0,8963. Dependences of logarithms of cumulative frequencies on the logarithm cumulative quantities of words are described by relative speed of cumulative frequencies 0,9186. In dependence of the logarithm of length of words on the logarithm of cumulative frequency the average logarithmic length of a word from a kind of the equation changes from 2,5366 up to 3,3509, that is this size not a constant. Keywords: quantity of words, frequency of words, length of words, dynamics of quantity of words, dynamics of length of words, average length of words, cumulative quantity of words, cumulative frequency of words, modeling, linear dependence, sedate ...

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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