Gary Heen. Space-time as an Expanded State of Matter with a Physical Structure Interpreted as Simultaneously Exhibiting 10, 11, or 26 Dimensions
Natural Sciences / Physics / Quantum field theory
Submitted on: Nov 14, 2012, 12:38:50
Description: The model of this paper presupposes that space-time is not a mathematical abstraction, but that space-time is an expanded state of matter. The fundamental quantum of matter is designated the S-brane, (for String/D-brane complex). The S-brane quanta of particle matter and space-time differ from one another only in the volumetric state of the S-brane. It is demonstrated how the S-brane is be mathematically interpreted as 10-dimensional, 11-dimensional, or 26-dimensional. The relationship of the S-brane quanta to Planck's natural constants is shown, and a mathematical argument is presented demonstrating the conversion of space-time into particle matter.