Thank you for the archival of your work! Your work was assigned the reference number 1888.

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Document information

Author         : Sofia Trykolenko
Branch         : Visual Art
Area           : Other
Subject        : Textile arts
Submitted on   : Nov 25, 2017, 08:42:49
Description    : I propose to the respected community of connoisseurs of Ukrainian art to get acquainted with the collection of painted in technique a cold batik of silk scarves and scarves, Tatka Ustimenko, who drew inspiration from the winter landscape


First Name     : Sofia
Last Name      : Trykolenko
City Name      : Kyiv
Country        : Ukraine

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Information about prices

The free archival covers:
* the archival and presentation of your work on our web site,
* the inclusion of your work description into a printed brochure, which we send monthly to the National Library of Canada and other libraries.

new! The archival and your personal web page design covers:
* the archival and presentation of your work on our web site,
* the free inclusion of your work description into a printed brochure, which we send monthly to libraries of Canada and USA,
* the design and hosting of your own personal web page with your Curriculum Vitae, the list of your publications, your honours, your picture(s) and any other relevant information you decide to display,
* the link to your personal web page from your works posted on our web site. This allows people who are reading your abstract/downloading your work to instantly learn more about you and your research.

N.B. Price starts from $49.98 and covers the simple (but efficient) designs like . For more sophisticated designs (like ) prices can be higher.

The discounted price ($9.99) covers:
* the archival and presentation of your work on our web site,
* the inclusion of your work description into a printed brochure, which we send monthly to the National Library of Canada and other libraries.
* the paper certificate with your name, work title, and timestamp of the archival of your work, which will send to your mailing address.

The full price ($19.99) covers:
* the archival and presentation of your work on our web site,
* the inclusion of your work description into a printed brochure, which we send monthly to the National Library of Canada and other libraries.
* the paper certificate with your name, work title, and timestamp of the archival of your work, which will send to your mailing address,
* the issuing of a unique ISBN to your textual work ($125 value,

For free archiving without a paper certificate, personal page design and ISBN issuing - please press the [Free archiving] button below.

For paid archiving with a paper certificate or your personal page design or ISBN issuing - please select the corresponded price and press the [Buy Now] button below. IMPORTANT: You will be redirected to the PayPal web site, which will ask you to enter the # (number) assigned to your work. Please enter number 1888 which was assigned to your work.


After the PayPal payment, you will be directed to a page, which will ask you for your work number. Please enter the number 1888 which was assigned to your work.

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