Yu.N. Klimov. Case linguistics of a poems of «lðµ voyageâ» Ch. Baudelaire (the original and translations into Russian)

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Apr 06, 2014, 02:59:28

Description: By the example of Ch. Bodler's poem "Travel" the case linguistics of original Ch. Baudelaire "Lе voyage" and his translations into V.V. Levik's, M.I.Tsvetaeva Russian and Ellis's under the following characteristics is investigated: general length of a word, volume of the dictionary, volume of the text, the relation of volume of the text to volume of the dictionary, relation of volume of the dictionary to volume of the text, quantity hapax legomena, an index of exclusiveness of the case by quantity hapax legomena in percentage of word forms, quantity dishapax legomena, the relation hapax legomena to volume of the dictionary, the relation hapax legomena to volume of the text, the relation dishapax legomena to volume of the dictionary, the relation dishapax legomena to volume of the text, the relation hapax legomena to dishapax legomena, the relation hapax legomena to dishapax legomena to volume of the dictionary, the relation hapax legomena to dishapax legomena to volume of the text. On the majority of characteristics the length of poetic translation is more than original of the poetic text, that is E. Nida's and C. Taber's hypothesis proves to be true, that good translation is always longer, in spite of the fact that the opposite data - length of translation of the prosaic text of less original of the text are received. The put forward hypothesis proves to be true, that linger to the relation of volume of dictionaries to volume of texts there corresponds more complex text, that is Russian translation. Key words: case linguistics, Ch. Baudelaire "Lе voyage", translations, Russian, V.V. Levik, M.I. Tsvetaeva, Ellis, general length of a word, volume of the dictionary, volume of the text, the relation of volume of the text to volume of the dictionary, the relation of volume of the dictionary to volume of the text, quantity hapax legomena, an index of exclusiveness of the case by quantity hapax legomena in percentage of word forms, quantity dishapax legomena, the rel...

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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