Mark Zilberman. Artificial Intuition Device and Real Life Lottery Games

Natural Sciences / Computer Science / Artificial intuition

Submitted on: Mar 17, 2012, 14:24:48

Description: Artificial Intuition is commonly viewed as a special algorithm capable of replicating some properties of human intuition. Unfortunately the software-based Artificial Intuition currently fails to be useful for lottery players and to generate profit. At the same time, multiple publications have show that human ability to win in lotteries, in casinos and to forecast the stock market is variable and correlates negatively with geomagnetic activity. Artificial Intuition Device (AID) employs a hardware solution to Artificial Intuition and replicates some of human intuition abilities on specially-designed scientific equipment. During public testing phase, AID was programmed to forecast the outcomes of Ontario 'PICK-3' lottery and then post these predictions on the Internet, several hours prior to the lottery draws. These predictions were also recorded on an independent computer in London University (UK). During the public testing phase (lasting 1.5 years) AID was capable of generating a profit instead of loss as per null hypothesis. Similarly to human intuition, AID performance is influenced by geomagnetic activity. In geomagnetic-quiet days AID generated profit above $1,300. On geomagneticactive days, AID produced loss of about $1,000. Accounting for this influence allows us to amplify AID performance by using predictions only from days with suitable environmental conditions.

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