Inna Konoval. Representation of the emotional state of the artistic character by means of emotionally-valued semantic in Alexander Dovzhenko's idiolect

Literature / Fiction / Fiction writing

Submitted on: Aug 19, 2019, 17:14:13

Description: The article describes the features of the lexical indication of artistic characters' emotional states in Oleksandr Dovzhenko's idiolect. The units of emotional communication are analyzed. Different linguistic approaches to the definition of "emotion" are considered. A brief review of the works of outstanding foreign and Ukrainian linguists who researched emotional-evaluative lexical units (K. Izard, V. Chabanenko, V. Shakhovskyi, I. Arnold, L. Kamulina) has been presented. An attempt to differentiate the linguistic concepts "emotion-nominative", "emotional-konotativ" and "emotional-affective" was made. The specificity of verbalization of key emotional concepts is explored. According to research of American psychologist K. Izard, we highlight ten fundamental emotions in a person's emotional system: joy, wonder, grief, sorrow, anger, indignation, fear, horror, despair, shame. It was established that the number of negative emotions in the idiolect of Alexander Dovzhenko, expressed by various emotional means, far exceeds the number of positive emotions. Dominant emotional concepts in artistic contexts are "fear", "anxiety", "anger", "sorrow".

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