Mark Zilberman. Gravitational “doppler Boosting / De-boosting” Effect within the Framework of General Relativity

Natural Sciences / Physics / Gravitation Theory (Relativity)

Submitted on: Dec 16, 2021, 13:48:41

Description: The EDoppler boosting / de-boostingE relativistic effect increases / decreases the apparent luminosity of approaching / receding sources of radiation. This effect was analyzed in detail within the Special Relativity framework and was confirmed in many astronomical observations. It is however not clear if EDoppler boosting / de-boostingE exists in the framework of General Relativity as well, and if it exists, which equations describe it. The EEinsteinEs elevatorE and EinsteinEs EEquivalence principleE allow to obtain the formula for EDoppler boosting / de-boostingE for a uniform gravitational field within the vicinity of the emitter/receiver. Under these simplified conditions, the ratio ℳ between apparent (L) and intrinsic (Lo) luminosity can be conveniently represented using sourceEs spectral index I and gravitational redshift z as ℳ(z, I) ≡ L/Lo=(z+1)^(I-3). This is the first step towards the complete set of equations that describe the gravitational "Doppler boosting / de-boosting" effect within the General Relativity framework including radial gravitational field and arbitrary values of distance h between emitter and receiver.

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