Alexei M. Frolov. On the absorption of radiation by the negatively charged hydrogen ion

Natural Sciences / Physics / Astrophysics

Submitted on: Apr 28, 2012, 09:09:55

Description: Absorption of infrared and visible radiation from stellar emission spectra by the negatively charged hydrogen ions H$^{-}$ is considered. We derive the explicit formulas which can be used to determine the total absorption coefficient (per unit volume) for the negatively charged hydrogen ions ${}^{1}$H$^{-}$ (protium) and ${}^{2}$H$^{-}$ (deuterium or D$^{-}$). The computed bound-free and free-free absorption coefficients $a_{nu}$ and $k_{nu}$ can be used to evaluate the actual absorption of infrared and visible radiation by the H$^{-}$ ion in photospheres of many cold stars with surface temperatures $T_s le$ 8,250 $K$.

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