Edvins Kozlovskis. The great Theorem of Pierre de Fermat as a special case abc conjecture and the proof of Andrew Beal hypothesis

Natural Sciences / Mathematics / Number theory

Submitted on: Mar 05, 2017, 07:57:52

Description: Of course Mr. Pierre de Fermat did not know the ABC hypothesis, let alone hypothesis Taniyama-Shimura. He simply wrote that there is no solution in integers if n 2 He understood the essence of the proof, but did not even begin to uncover it, assuming it is elementary. It even went as far that some asserted that Mr. Pierre de Fermat had been mistaken in the simplicity of the theorem. Some even say that it is impossible to prove the Great Theorem. Those are very brave and self-confident allegations.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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The great Theorem of Pierre de Fermat as a special case abc conjecture and the proof of Andrew Beal hypothesis (1).pdf

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